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2021 - Update
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Projects Update

The Myriad Self Isolation Project has been buying, bagging and distributing 1000s of food parcels for the last 11 months.

Since the start of the first lockdown, Myriad Foundation has been delivering food parcels to thousands of vulnerable people who have been self isolating across Manchester. Supported by Islamic Relief, Human Appeal and businesses and individuals from our local community we have been able to provide much needed support to those in need.

If you would like to be involved/support/donate to our ongoing food parcel project please contact us @

Not all Superheroes wear capes

Alhamdulillah! Our Soup N Smiles project has been out in force over the winter period supporting the homeless in the city centre. A special thanks to our amazing volunteers who have helped expand our service to run on both Wednesday and Sunday evenings providing vital relief to the vulnerable with hot meals and clothing.


Burgers 🍔 , 🍟 wedges, chicken 🍗 and rice 🍚 from The Food Box were distributed to people in need. Clothes, shoes and sleeping bags were donated by the team @mcr_homeless_donations, who join us every Wednesday. On Sunday tasty chicken jalfrezi & pilau rice and tarka daal & pilau rice meals were made by @aaishascommunitykitchen led by the batch cook teacher Dr Shameela.

Email us at if you would like to get involved in this wonderful initiative.

Unveiling Islam is back in action

The Unveiling Islam Project adapted its content delivery during the pandemic to meet the needs of schools.

A number of online live sessions and pre recorded sessions were completed across schools in Greater Manchester with more in the pipeline this year.

The team has also been called on for its expertise from other schools across the UK to help them deliver sessions to their students.

The Hospital Response Team in collaboration with Tameside Hospital

Myriad Foundation are pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative🎈🎈. We are partnering up with Tameside hospital to provide a drop off service for patients who have been discharged but have no means of getting home.


Lets play our part to support the NHS! If you are interested in getting involved please email us at

Building Update

Alhamdulillah work is progressing quickly on the acquisition of our new premises on Slade Lane in Longsight. We are excited about the amazing opportunity this presents to further expand our work and we can't wait to share our ideas and vision for this space soon.


The building and grounds will require significant improvements and renovations and we will be launching our fundraising campaign shortly. If you can support this major milestone and help bring real change to Longsight and the surrounding areas please donate here.


In the meantime check out the video below to find out more.

Volunteer Update

Moving Online

As the pandemic has changed how many of us live and work, Myriad Foundation is no exception to this and we have been working behind the scenes to develop how we engage, onboard and collaborate with volunteers in light of new restrictions. Here is a round up of the latest changes:


Volunteer Database - We have updated our volunteer database to give us a better ability to communicate with volunteers remotely. Thank you to those who have already provided their details, if you haven't please contact your Project Lead who will provide the link.


DBS Checks - We will contacting volunteers whose DBS checks are due for renewal and will be rolling a programme to update these. Please watch out for a direct message if this is relevant and complete the necessary steps when required.


Inductions - Alhamdulillah, over the past few months we have been inundated with requests from new volunteers looking to join and support out work. We have recently launched online video inductions to enable us to continue welcoming new volunteers into the organisation. If you know anyone who is interest please ask them to get in touch by emailing


Expenses - Any volunteers who are incurring expenditure on our charitable projects whether that is for supplies or parking costs please complete the online expenses form and provide copies of any receipts together with approval from the Project Lead.


Complaints & Feedback - As we no longer meet regularly face to face it is really important for us to ensure we can continue to receive open and honest feedback to allow us to continuously improve what we do.


We have recently updated our complaints procedure (details below) and launched an online form to make it easier to submit feedback remotely. If you would like to provide any feedback/complaints please email or submit a complaint form. Please note any formal complaints will be treated in confidence and we would request these are made directly on the complaint form only.

New Roles

As Myriad Foundation looks to expand the reach of our services and deliver new initiatives to support the Manchester community we are looking to build out a leadership team to drive our work in specific areas. Watch this space for further announcements coming soon about the roles we will be looking for and how to get involved.

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